Why we work in Global Health

We believe that Global Health training can impact at the policy and practical levels, diversifying skills and improving patient care.

We believe that a skilled and experienced global health workforce can contribute towards the deficits experienced by vulnerable and underserved populations.

We believe that by working through multiple partnerships we can develop a network that is effective at creating high impact and cost effective interventions.

We believe our partners should drive the way we work and where we work. That by providing reciprocal, sustainable healthcare partnerships and offering virtual and in person training and learning we can make our partnerships mutually beneficial and a driving force for a better understanding of global health amongst allied health professionals.

Education In Practice

Our Global Health Programmes are all aimed at offering allied healthcare professionals from around the world a chance to get involved with Global Health in an informed and ethical way.

The Global Health Accredited Pathway

The Global Health Accredited Pathway (GHAP) is a platform that allows healthcare professionals and medics to pursue education and training within Global Health, under a recognised and accredited pathway. 

Foundation In Global Health

The Foundation in Global Health Programme is part of our commitment to creating informed individuals to act as the vanguard of ethical practices within Global Health. FIGH is unique in offering to newly qualified doctors, delivering a bespoke curriculum aimed at disseminating core concepts in Global Health theory and practice.

Global Health Placements

Strategic networks in Global Health have the potential to generate strategic opportunities to allied healthcare practitioners, healthcare providers, policy makers, and academic institutions. Over the last 20 years TEN has created a database of over 3,000 healthcare providers across more than 150 countries with the aim of creating more networks of partnerships based on equity and sustainability within Global Health. If you are looking for a Global Health placement or research opportunity our database can help you access a network of likeminded organisations from around the world.

Links To Courses

Education and experience in parallel are key to improving the Global Health workforce. With that in mind, TEN has worked with a number of world-renowned academic institutions to bring you links to online and taught courses that can help you develop your skills and knowledge as a global health practitioner.